If you have any questions on the facilities, services or amenities offered by Hotel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville, you may find answers below in this list of the most frequently asked questions.
For further information, please contact our Customer Service.
Yes! We have two elevators in different areas of the hotel.
Yes! The hotel has a generator with the capacity to power the entire facility at all times.
There are a SAQ (liquor store) and a Super C (grocery store) right across the hotel. You’ll have to cross the Boulevard St-Joseph to get to them.
These shops are within walking distance of the hotel.
Hotel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville is located between Montreal and Quebec City, about 60 minutes from Montreal and 75 minutes from Quebec City.
Yes! We allow pets with a surcharge of $30 per day, plus taxes. Note that animals must be accompanied by their owners at all times.
Yes! Our team will provide them on request, with a small surcharge subject to availability.
Yes! We offer complementary high speed Wi-Fi all away round at the Hotel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville.
Yes! Hotel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville offers more than 27 fully equipped meeting rooms that accommodate up to 500 people. Learn more on our Meeting Rooms page.
Yes! We offer many types of rooms with special rates for long stays. To learn more contact our Customer Service department.
Of course! There’s even extensive complementary parking around the hotel. Go for it!
No, our establishment is entirely smoke-free. We want to offer our guests an healty environment.
Thank you for your understanding!
You can check-in at the hotel at 4 p.m. and check-out at 11 a.m.
The cancellation policy is the same day by 4 p.m. for bookings by individuals who are not associated with a group or block of rooms. After 4 p.m., you will be charged the full room rate.
Our indoor pool is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.